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5 Fun Outdoor Activities To Stay In Shape

5 Fun Outdoor Activities To Stay In Shape

Are you ready for the great outdoors? If you haven’t started that exercise plan just yet, then look no further. The following outdoor activities will keep you healthy, happy, and having fun.

1) SWIMMING – Besides having fun with family and friends, swimming is an aerobic exercise which works out the entire body and will keep you shape! Think of ways you can get into the water regularly, and make a point of getting the heart pumping. EnjoySwimming mentions a few popular swimming techniques like the backstroke, butterfly, and breaststroke. Try to mix up your swim routines often and keep workouts fresh and exciting.

2) ROWING – One of the next best exercises to swimming which works all the muscle groups of the body. HarpersBazaar confirms this fact and says the act of rowing is actually one of the most efficient exercises you can do. Even if you don’t own a boat or kayak, consider purchasing a rowing machine for use at home. Or, be sure to spend time on them regularly at the local gym.

3) BIKING – Getting on your bicycle and going out for a ride can be exhilarating and quite the workout depending on your terrain. The benefits to the lower body and circulatory system cannot be understated. Though if you live in the city, you might want to look for a commuter bike. If so, one of the best custom bicycle shops around is Brooklyn Bicycle Co, they actually have a great Buy & Ride program for those who are looking to exercise their way to work.

4) ROCK CLIMBING – Combine fun and fitness together and schedule rock climbing sessions with an experienced instructor if possible. Whether or not your area has natural environments that allow for it, lists rock-climbing gyms around the world where you can practice your skills regularly. If so, it might be fun to add rock climbing into your next vacation.

5) POWER WALKING – If you’re going for a walk, why not kick it up a few notches? According to, power walking is even more beneficial than jogging and can burn more body fat in less time. In fact, thousands of medical professionals agree that’s it a great exercise to add to your daily routines. In addition to the power walk technique itself, you might consider adding hand weights for maximum effect.

Since you’ll be burning away calories with the exercises above, be sure to drink adequate amounts of water and consider a proper diet. You might go one step further with breads and pasta, as the website Fitday recommends that you can load up on carbs the night before … in order to store up extra fuel for the next day’s activities. Above all, make workouts enjoyable! Don’t forget to keep your brain healthy too. Seeking online therapy at BetterHelp is a good idea for anyone who is having negative thoughts about their body image.

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