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Cleaning DIY Hacks To Help Ease Housework

Cleaning can be a pain, but your life is about to get that much easier with these hacks. The modern world is full of electronic gadgets and inventions to aid with everyday chores. But to avoid splashing out on an expensive bit of equipment, these simple DIY hacks will make your living space cleaner, fresher and easier to manage!

Photo by Matilda Wormwood from Pexels

DIY microwave cleaner

Fill a microwave-safe bowl with about 500ml of water and two tablespoons of vinegar. You can also add a few drops of essential oil of your choice. Run the microwave on high for five minutes, allowing it to steam up. Once the time has gone, leave the microwave door closed for 15 minutes. Remove the bowl and the turntable. Give the turntable and the inside of the microwave a wipe down. If any dirt remains, use a rag dipped in the water-vinegar solution to clean it.

Buff surfaces with olive oil

Olive oil is an excellent cleaning solution for stainless steel, such as pots, pans, and appliances. Put olive oil on a soft cloth and rub in a circular motion to buff out any marks.

Avoid the log fire

Heating the house in the winter with log fires may create a cozy feeling, but they also make for a lot of mess. Using solar panels to charge your home means there is no soot to contend with, and you still stay toasty. What is even better, community solar in Maine instantly connects you to a solar farm in the local community without installing solar panels yourself.

Rely on bicarbonate of soda

Due to its gentle abrasive nature and the fact it’s an excellent natural deodorizer, bicarbonate of soda is a nifty cleaning tool. To deodorize carpets, upholstered furniture, and even pet beds: sprinkle it on, leave it for 15 minutes, and then vacuum it up. You can also clean countertops, stainless steel sinks, microwaves, and cooking utensils by simply mixing them into a paste with a bit of water and then scrubbing the surface with a cloth.

Salt and lemon your chopping boards

Sprinkle salt onto your chopping board before applying lemon juice to scour the surface. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent and will remove tougher marks like tomato-based stains. You can cleanse a chopping board with half a lemon or using a cloth soaked in juice overnight, then just wash as usual.

Descale the kettle with vinegar

A cheap, DIY way to descale your kettle from limescale is to fill your kettle with a mix of half distilled white vinegar and half water. Making sure the kettle is unplugged before leaving the combination to soak overnight. In the morning, rinse the kettle thoroughly and boil a fresh kettle full of water and discard to ensure there is no vinegary residue.

Use toothpaste for carpet stains

If you have stubborn stains on your carpet that won’t come out, use an old toothbrush and a layer of toothpaste and start scrubbing. Once the area is covered, rinse it with water, and if the stain is still there, you may have to scrub one or twice more.

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