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Goodbye Denver, Hello Albuquerque

Goodbye Denver, Hello Albuquerque

Bittersweet. It’s the only word I can use to describe this transition. I will hate leaving Denver, but I am excited for new adventures. And it’s all because of this guy.

He prefers privacy, but I will tell you this. I’ve known him for almost 10 years and we’ve never lived in the same state. That is all changing and I couldn’t be happier. Long distance relationships can only go so far, right?!

This also means I will be regaining my independence and freedom. In order to save money and pay off debt, I had moved into a nice lady’s house and rented a bedroom. For almost 2 years, all my belongings, except clothes and things I needed in order to function and run this blog, have been in storage. It’s going to be like Christmas when I open each box and see what great taste I have in decor and kitchenware! Ha ha!

But wait, what does this mean for the blog? After all, I won’t be in the Rocky Mountains anymore! I haven’t quite figured this part out yet. I don’t particularly enjoy rebranding, as I have done it once before. (Remember Live2Save2Live? What an awful name for a blog. lol) But I have grown away from the deals and coupons, and grown more towards fashion and beauty and recipes and…. really whatever I feel like writing about! And that’s exactly what I hope to expand on. I will have more space, the ability to use more equipment, full use of a kitchen…my head is spinning with what I can do. I will probably grumble about rebranding a little while longer, and then ultimately decide I need to come up with a great name for a NEW blog that can go anywhere with me and change with me. If you have suggestions, let me know! 🙂


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My Life in Boxes {Regaining Personal Freedom}

Sunday 5th of February 2017

[…] messy right now. Messy and in boxes. Literally. All of my possessions are packed up, waiting to be moved to Albuquerque. I am hyper-organized when I have a big change or deadline, so I’ve been ready for a week. […]


Monday 23rd of January 2017

You'll love Albuquerque. It's a beautiful place to live. There is so much to do there and in Santa Fe. Be sure to go to the Balloon Fiesta in October. Sometimes, I wish I still lived there.


Tuesday 24th of January 2017

I love Santa Fe! My boyfriend and I have made it a tradition to go to La Fonda every time we go up.

Melissa C.

Monday 23rd of January 2017

Congrats on such a big change! I hope that, after the dust settles, you love your new life together with your partner.


Monday 23rd of January 2017

Thank you! It still seems surreal!

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