If you’ve been with your partner for a while, there’s likely already too many questions regarding the When, not If, of your engagement. If TV and movies are anything to go by, a proposal isn’t worth it unless you hire out a football stadium complete with a marching band. However, the frugal among us know better. But with such high expectations, how do you take the next step on a budget?
The answer is much more straightforward than you think, and it’s somewhere between a marching band and presenting an engagement ring on a lazy Sunday morning.
Think of Who She Is
Nothing is more romantic and personal than understanding who your partner is and planning the next big step accordingly. You need to find the perfect gift for your bride-to-be but also present it to her in a way that makes sense for both of you. If she’s into nature, then taking a hike is the best bet. If they are into sports, take her to a game (getting on the Kiss Cam or not is optional). Of course, some options are more frugal than others, so be sure to keep these ideas in mind.
Don’t Be Elaborate Just Because
Yes, grand gestures are cool, but performing a grand gesture for the sake of it is not worth the hassle. Some may argue the contrary, but there is such a thing as trying too hard when it comes to a proposal. It can quickly come off as inauthentic and too much, especially if it doesn’t reflect your relationship in the slightest. For a lot of people, intimacy is better. Consider this when planning your proposal and if lavishness seems a little too much.
Bring In Reinforcements
As much as you might want the best engagement photographer, they can cost money. Instead of hiring someone who has no idea who either of you is, think about the potential reinforcements that you could ask to give you a hand. This can be their best friend, your best friend, a parent, or coworker. Of course, your partner may find something unusual about someone else joining you for a romantic evening, so it’s best to keep them hidden from view until the big moment.
If You Need to Splurge, Choose Wisely
You might not be able to do things entirely frugally, though, so if you are going to splurge on something, then it’s best to do this wisely. Doing something she’s always wanted to do, such as take a hot-air balloon ride, is worth splurging on. You don’t want to spend your life savings on something she won’t enjoy, and no matter how much you might put into your proposal plans, there are always things that can get in the way. Be sure to purchase something you don’t mind losing a deposit for because there are always 50 free spins.
You and Your Frugal Fiance
Frugality can be challenging, especially if you’re not as used to it as your partner. However, if you’re hoping to maximize your finances and live a comfortable life, a little scrimping and saving here will go a long way in the future.