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Hustle Humble Box Review

Hustle Humble Box Review

Hustle Humble

I am an entrepreneur (blogger) and a subscription box lover. The creators of Hustle Humble had people like me in mind when they started this service. Hustle Humble is designed to help aspiring business leaders of all kinds shape their company, gain insight, and get tricks of the trade from leaders in the industry. Each month, get some motivation with new products, inspiring stories, tips, and constructive advice from accomplished entrepreneurs.

I received a free product in exchange for a review. All opinions expressed herein are my own.

How Does it Work?

Currently, they are working on how to best expose Hustle Humble to the public, but as of now, it is something that is sent to ChicExecs Branding Agency’s clients, as well as interested media outlets.

Check back soon for more information on how you can subscribe to this box. With every subscription purchased, Hustle Humble will donate a box of school supplies to school children in need.

Hustle Humble

Every box comes with a mini magazine that includes information about the brands, media tips, and discount coupons to use if you enjoyed the products.

Aminocare Ageless Eye Cream – $50 Value

Aminocare Ageless Eye Cream

Aminocare products are gentle yet effective skincare solutions that are backed by powerful science and deliver visible results. Aminocare Ageless eye cream includes Vitamin E and C, Shea Butter and Cocoa Butter as well as Japanese Green Tea to help combat free radicals. The exceptional line smoothing comes from a phystosteroid complex of Wild Yam and Soya for even more firming and wrinkle reduction.

Voke Tab – $7 Value

Voke Tab

Voke Tab is a natural chewable that helps you focus and go further every day. From mountaintop to desktop, each tab gives you a few hours of smooth boost by improving mental endurance, focus, short term memory, and problem solving ability.

Freaker – $10.99 Value


Freaker is a one size fits all beverage insulator that functionally makes your drink feel special & your hands stay dry. Freaker was featured on Shark Tank! These insulators even stretch to fit over wine bottles. They have many different designs to choose from.

Green Tree Jewelry Earrings – $14.95 Value

Green Tree Jewelry

These eco-friendly jewelry items are made from laser cut wood, and they also make other unique items.

Korbata Tie & Pocket Square – $40 Value

Korbata Tie & Pocket Square

Men’s fashion accessories are made by artisans in various indigenous Guatemalan communities. Korβáta mission is to improve the environment that promotes community development through the creation of sustainable sources of income, empowerment and recognition to the various expressions of the Mayan and Guatemalan culture, and supporting the global industry of high quality ethical fashion products.

The total value of this box is $122.94! This box has fantastic value, not just from the products, but from the information, insight, and motivation it provides. It is really neat to see a box that is specifically for entrepreneurs. In future boxes, I would like to see more than just retail or product brands. Not all companies have tangible items to sell, and it would be interesting to see their perspective on things as well.

Hustle Humble

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