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Is Your Business Bland?

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Nobody wants to go to work in the morning believing that they run a bland company, but that’s the reality of most businesses (at least in the minds of consumers). Blandness is the order of the day.

Unfortunately, being bland doesn’t tend to win out in the marketplace. In fact, it can actually sap your progress and make it harder to win customers. If a rival is doing something that seems more interesting, you’ll struggle to gain traction.

If your business is looking a little bland, then this post is here to help. In it, we explore some of the methods you can use to make your marketing “pop” and really stand out from the crowd. Check out our ideas below. 

Work With Partners

Not all companies can hire world-class marketing professionals in-house. There just aren’t enough of them to go around. However, practically all businesses can partner with agencies that provide creative and artistic services they need to succeed.

If you’re struggling to make your brand stand out, approach professionals. While it requires some upfront expense, the payoff is almost always worth it. Finding the right people to help you allows you develop a brand image that appeals to customers and wins you new clients passively. 

Upgrade Your Displays

The top retailers know the value of displays. In fact, window displays have been attracting and enticing customers for many decades. 

Infinity Exhibits is a firm that talks about this in more detail, particularly when it comes to trade show displays. It points out that consumers are primarily visual creatures. What they care about most is how things appear and what brands make them feel. These cues encourage them to spend money and begin to trust the brands they encounter. 

The lesson is this: after you’ve created your marketing images, display them wherever you can. Print them out in high fidelity so that they reflect your online marketing. 

Do Something To Make Your Logo Pop

If your logo isn’t jumping out at consumers, it’s unlikely that you’ll entice them to your website or storefront. You want something that really captures the essence of your business and your industry, while still offering an additional appeal all of its own. 

McDonalds’ golden arches is probably the best example of this phenomenon anywhere in the world. It’s instantly recognisable, and so welcoming. Other top logos into Domino’s Pizza and Pepsi. 

Become More Active On Social Media

If you’re not being active on social media, you’re missing a trick. Connecting directly with customers is one of the most powerful ways to promote your brand. 

How you connect matters too. Don’t just post blogs. Try to do something funny or engage with people. Running contests and competitions encourages people to like and follow you. Also, try to get people to engage on multiple platforms by, for instance, offering additional chances to win a prize. 

Whatever you do, don’t let your business succumb to blandness. It is better to be colorful but unprofessional than professional and gray. 

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