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Peaches & Petals Box December 2015

Peaches & Petals Box December 2015

I received a free product in exchange for a review. All opinions expressed herein are my own.

Peaches & Petals

Peaches & Petals is a monthly style and beauty subscription box that costs just $14 per month and shipping is free! Each box will vary with different items from beauty and fashion accessories such as scarves, hats, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, watches, dry shampoos, makeup remover, nail polish, blush, mud masks, skin restoring gels/creams, more! Each box will contain 3-5 items and some months may include an additional item!

Peaches & Petals product card

Each box comes with a product card to tell you a little about each item. It does not include prices so I did some research. It also appears that some items vary, which means not everyone will receive the same box. They even give you a spoiler for the next month’s box to get you excited. This was the spoiler for December’s box and it definitely had me watching for the mailman every day!


Here is what I received in my December box:

Kimono Style Silk Peacock Robe – $15

This was guaranteed to be in every box and I was sooo looking forward to it. I own zero robes. This is so beautiful!

Kimono Silk Peacock Robe

Lindt Milk Chocolate Truffle Bar – $1.50

With all the goodies I am receiving for Christmas, I do not need any more chocolate. But it definitely adds to the theme of these box, which seems to be about pampering yourself!

Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate Truffle Bar

C. Booth Lavender Mineral Bath Soak – $5

I can’t find this product for sale anywhere, which makes me think it isn’t in production any more. But that just means we got lucky! Lavender is my favorite scent and I love relaxing in a bath.

c.Booth Lavender Mineral Bath Soak

Emerald Necklace & Earring Jewelry Set – $20

I have been telling myself I need more green in my closet and jewelry box because it would look great on me.

Emerald Necklace & Earring Jewelry Set

I thought this necklace was awesome, until I noticed something I’ve never seen before. You can actually mix and match each chain because they are all removable! How cool!!

Emerald Necklace & Earring Jewelry Set Clasp

Spa Bella Hot or Cold Rejuvenating Eye Mask – $5

I definitely need to use this after a long day at the office staring at the computer. It’s amazing how much you can strain your eyes.

Spa Bella Eye Mask

I estimate the total value of this box to be around $46.50. This is a great value for the cost of the box. And if you really love an item and want more, it may even be for sale on their website.

Peaches & Petals December

My readers have access to an exclusive deal on their first box! Get 50% off your first month of Peaches & Petals with code PEACHROCKY at checkout.

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