Out of all the things you could spend your hard-earned cash on, it’s likely that your work clothing is low on the list. Most people simply want to look smart enough to meet the dress code and want a work wardrobe that’ll make it easy to decide what to wear in the morning.
Here are some ways in which you can save money on your work clothing and ensure you always have an easy outfit.
Have a clear out
Having too many clothes can end up costing you more time and money. You get overwhelmed by choice and forget about the things you already have, meaning you waste money buying new things when there are already items in your closet. The first thing you should do is organize the clothing that you own, so you have a great base to start. Get to know the eBay profit calculator and the fees you might have to pay before you go ahead and declutter. You need to know that you can make a little cash from your clothing, and going on eBay is a good idea! You can then use the profit that you make so that you can reinvest in your clothes and upgrade your wardrobe. It’s good for the environment and it’s good for your savings account.
Build a capsule wardrobe
When you sort out your closet, you will already have a lot of capsule items that are classics that can be worn over and over. These items can easily be mixed and matched when you’re having a tough morning and can’t decide what to wear.
Some key capsule pieces for work include:
- Black pants
- A tailored black dress
- A blazer
- Black heels
- A crisp white shirt
- Flats
- A smart purse
- A scarf
When you build a capsule wardrobe, you can avoid impulse buying and look professional for less money.
Don’t be afraid of thrift stores
If you’re not typically a thrift shopper, you may be afraid to visit them for work clothing, perhaps thinking it won’t be smart enough. Luckily, most thrift stores have lots of bargains to be had, with nearly new items that look great after a wash and iron. If you have sewing skills, then you can easily tailor stuff to look amazing.
It’s easy to find thrift stores in your area, so dive in and find some bargains.
Find cheap bundles online
Many people can’t be bothered to sell second-hand clothing individually, so they’ll sell bundles of workwear online. Whether it’s on social media selling sites or eBay, you can find bundles of clothing in your size and hunt through it for gems.
Suggest that your work brings in a uniform
Work for or run a small business? If you can encourage your boss to provide a uniform, then you’ll never have to worry about what to wear to work again. Look at this site where you can see some examples of work uniforms that might be suitable, from t-shirts to smart looks.
Accessorize your looks
If you have a limited wardrobe and need to wear things on repeat, switch up your accessories so that your outfits look different. Accessories are cheap and easy to switch over, whether you need to add a pop of color or make an outfit look smarter.
For example, if you add some heels to your look, you can make most outfits look neat and professional, while a colorful scarf easily adds a creative vibe.