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SmileBrilliant Teeth Whitening Trays Review

I was provided a free product in exchange for a review. All opinions expressed herein are my own.


I remember going to the dentist when I was in my teens and my mom asked the dentist why my teeth were yellow. How embarrassing! He said that was the natural color of my teeth and there wasn’t really anything I could do. I never liked the color of my teeth, but no one ever seemed to notice, or at least they never said anything. Until one day someone commented on a picture I had posted on social media, “Butter Teeth.” I didn’t think they were THAT bad, but it really hurt my feelings. My incisors have always been darker than the rest of my teeth, so after that comment I avoided pictures of the side of my face when I was smiling.

I’ve always wanted to whiten my teeth and finally got the chance when I received SmileBrilliant Teeth Whitening Trays to try out. SmileBrilliant makes custom fitted teeth whitening trays – so they actually fit in your mouth and can whiten your teeth better! You will not have to make a single visit to the dentist! Everything you need is in the kit and the instructions are very easy to follow. You create your own impressions and then send them off to have the trays made.


SmileBrilliant really puts a lot of work into making the trays and making sure they will fit your mouth. They make molds out of the impressions just like your dentist would.


One you receive your trays, follow the directions for applying the gel to the trays and to your teeth. You can wear them for as long as you feel comfortable. I discovered I was a little sensitive, so I wore them for 30 to 45 minutes. For faster results, wear them up to 3 hours at a time. The trays are flexible, which makes them easy to put on and also easy to clean.


SmileBrilliant is a national dental lab designed to help their customers receive professional strength teeth whitening without ever visiting a dentist! SmileBrilliant clients can trust their lab-direct professional teeth whitening service to deliver dramatic results at the very best price.

Check out my amazing Before and After pictures. I wore the trays only 30 minutes at a time, about every other day, for a total of 8 days wearing the trays. I am thrilled with the results!

Before and After Front

Before and After Right

Before and After Left

Order your kit and they will send you the materials you need to make your custom teeth whitening trays. Get 5% off ANY product with code ploch5. If you suffer from teeth sensitivity, you may find it best to start off with teeth whitening strips.

Enter the Giveaway

Once lucky person will win a SmileBrilliant Teeth Whitening Kit plus 3 whitening and 3 desensitizing gels ($139.90 value).

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