Have you recently purchased a home that has at least one previous owner? Or are you renting a retro classic?
Did you check the boiler?
In these circumstances and many more, there is a place for trying to maintain a boiler system to keep your home warm in the colder months. However, if you notice something is just off about the heating in your home, you may need to consider calling in the pros to repair that boiler in the basement.
So, what are some of the signs your home boiler needs to have some TLC?
1. Unusual Noises
If you have just turned your heating on, and your boiler made a strange noise, this can be a red flag.
Boilers are designed to operate with minimal noise, so any grinding, banging, or whistling sounds should always raise the alarm to call in the pros. Nonpareil Solutions heating in Wheathampstead can be called with ease to assess your boiler if it is a bit creaky but if you have any concerns that the boiler is likely to begin leaking, turn it off and call an emergency boiler repair team.
2. Minimal Heating or Hot Water
Do you run a bath and it’s cold, even with the hot water tap on full blast? Or do you have multiple lukewarm radiators around your home? If the answer is yes, then you need to have your boiler looked at. In some cases, it is an issue with the thermostat, or even sediment accumulations stopping the water from flowing as it needs to. However, you should note that delaying the repairs may make the issue worse, so try and get an early diagnostic performed if you can.
3. Frequent System Shutdowns
This is an irritant, especially when you thought you were stepping into a warm shower, only to find it is icy!
If you have a boiler that is regularly shutting off for no reason, this could point to something like low water pressure, or even that aforementioned faulty thermostat. In many cases, a modern boiler will show a boiler error code on the display screen, which can be relayed to a technician who can aim to repair it.
4. Leaking or Dripping Water
If you notice a damp patch around your boiler, or on the floor underneath, this should not be ignored. It can be due to a worn-out seal, or even corroded components but, irrespective of the cause, this is a sign that your boiler needs to be repaired. This will prevent costly repairs further down the road, and will also stop the formation of damp around your boiler.
5. Expensive Energy Bills
Nobody wants an energy bill that is high and, if you notice that your energy bills are creeping up, this can point to a boiler that is not running as well as it used to. This can be somewhat maintained with regular servicing but, if you notice your bills creeping up with minimal usage, as well as all the other signs on this list, it is time to call out the professionals to assess the underlying cause.